Monday, March 21, 2016

The media's main focus is of course Donald Trump

Conservatives are split over Donald Trump:

Trump's own GOP party wants to take him down:

Is the Republican Party destroying itself?

Donald Trump is truly amazing amidst the rising controversy:

We all know now that God has rejected Donald Trump from being U.S. PRESIDENT and all the leading American Evangelicals and more importantly Mormon prophecy has revealed that Ted Cruz will be the next President of the United States of America.  Sorry Donald Trump, it's over for you now.  Who can fight against God?  Hillary?  LOL

INFOWARS examines Donald Trump with a little more clarity than the mainstream media does:

GOP delegate manipulation is being maneuvered to take down Donald Trump.  It happened previously with Ron Paul in 2012:

What's the difference between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz?

Who can stand against AIPAC?

Ted Cruz exposes Donald trump.  REMEMBER Ted Cruz has been chosen of God to be our next president:

The Jew Bernie Sanders didn't show up for AIPAC?

Donald Trump does not use teleprompters:

Why so much hate for Donald Trump?

Rabbis and Jewish Leaders have turned into COMMUNIST ENEMIES OF AMERICA: